  • Change it up in the gym

    At Racquets we aim to give you as much information as possible so that you can create workouts that you enjoy. That’s why our gym memberships all include a session with a gym instructor every 4 to 6 weeks – just to increase your knowledge and allow you to build up plenty of variety into your workouts.

    Different people like different workouts.

    My favourite at the moment is a mini-circuit.  Usually no longer than 30 minutes.  Different every time.

    Today we used the indoor cycling bikes for 10 minutes for a long warm up.

    Followed that with just 4 resistance machines – Lat pull downs, Chest press, Peck Deck, Shoulder press.

    To make it interesting on these 4 exercises we did these as Drop sets (a technical term for something rather simple!).  Started on a weight which was pretty hard and repeated until we couldn’t repeat any more.  Then move the weight up one (less weight !) and repeat until we couldn’t repeat any more.  Then just one more set of that at one weight less.  Obviously we all have different strengths so we chose our starting weight ourselves.

    So, a drop set on each of the 4 resistance machines.

    Our arms were really feeling that !

    On to the floor next for 10 minutes of abs work : straight crunches, plank, alternate toe touches, russian twists, crunches with bent legs laid to the side – 15 of each, 30 if alternate sides.

    That’s it !!!

    Arms aching and know we’ve done some heart and lungs and core strength.