  • Many learning squash all in one day

    Yesterday I personally coached 38 people. 24 Year 5 kids from Barley Hill – all were successfully hitting the ball and almost all were managing to serve.  I hope they enjoyed their PE lesson. 7 kids ranging in age from 10 to 15 – Monday after school coaching session – usually with Roger.  All listened

  • A successful Thame Carnival 2014

    This year’s carnival had a sporty theme and the people of Thame really came out to celebrate. The sun was shining and the Pimms flowed. From our plot we could see the centre area and those taking part. The Zumba flash mob organised by Sandra Brookes was great and the cricket group had people looking

  • An experience for a squash junior at Racquets

    At the weekend I went to a squash tournament at Racquets, I really enjoy tournaments at Racquets because I really enjoy squash and it gives me the chance to play competitively. I also had the privilege of playing the British number one squash player! I really enjoyed the experience of playing Alison Waters. Although I was

  • Results from Racquets June Open Graded Squash and Racketball tournament

    Last weekend Racquets opened it’s doors to players from all over the country for it’s June Open Graded Squash and Racketball tournament. An Open tournament is one where players from any club and any county can come and compete. A Graded tournament is one where players of any standard and age can compete and they

  • Win for Emma Morgan in first match of the Graded Tournament this weekend

    The first match of the Racquets Open June Graded Squash / Racketball tournament took place at 1pm today. It was a very close fought match between Emma Morgan and Jane Coulcher where Emma won 3/2. The difference could have been the new grips on Emma’s racket ! The game was played in great spirit and

  • Win a game of squash with British #1 squash lady

    If you would like to have a game of squash with Alison Waters – the British #1 squash lady and World #4 then enter our competition now. Go to www.racquets-fitness-centre.com/competition or tweet ‘I’d like to play the British #1 on 7th June’ to @racquetsfitness or facebook ‘I’d like to play the British #1 on 7th

  • I can’t believe it but i can’t believe it’s not yoga is back!

  • Beverley Glock & her weight loss Journey

    How to get in shape – give up sugar and reduce carbs How am I going to win back my body and look great in a bikini this summer? I’m a member of Racquets gym in Thame and have been for 23 years or something daft.  They have a Personal Training membership so I had a chat

  • A Resolution to back pain.

    I have been a Racquets member for about 15 years, mostly using the free weights and machines in both areas of the gym.  Recently I developed some back issues that were very painful and as a result, I stopped going to the gym for about 3 or 4 months, and eventually called to cancel my

  • Easter Opening Hours

    Opening times Good Friday (18th April) 9:00 till 13:00 (no creche) Spin: 10:00 till 10:30 15:00 till 21:00 Hard core Spin with Nigel 17:30 till 18:15 Saturday (19th April) 9:00 till 13:00 (creche is on) Hardcore spin 9:15 till 9:45 Circuits with Jack 10:00 till 11:00 16:00 till 19:30 Gym closes at 6pm Sunday (20th