  • Win a game of squash with British #1 squash lady

    If you would like to have a game of squash with Alison Waters – the British #1 squash lady and World #4 then enter our competition now. Go to www.racquets-fitness-centre.com/competition or tweet ‘I’d like to play the British #1 on 7th June’ to @racquetsfitness or facebook ‘I’d like to play the British #1 on 7th

  • I can’t believe it but i can’t believe it’s not yoga is back!

  • Beverley Glock & her weight loss Journey

    How to get in shape – give up sugar and reduce carbs How am I going to win back my body and look great in a bikini this summer? I’m a member of Racquets gym in Thame and have been for 23 years or something daft.  They have a Personal Training membership so I had a chat

  • A Resolution to back pain.

    I have been a Racquets member for about 15 years, mostly using the free weights and machines in both areas of the gym.  Recently I developed some back issues that were very painful and as a result, I stopped going to the gym for about 3 or 4 months, and eventually called to cancel my

  • Easter Opening Hours

    Opening times Good Friday (18th April) 9:00 till 13:00 (no creche) Spin: 10:00 till 10:30 15:00 till 21:00 Hard core Spin with Nigel 17:30 till 18:15 Saturday (19th April) 9:00 till 13:00 (creche is on) Hardcore spin 9:15 till 9:45 Circuits with Jack 10:00 till 11:00 16:00 till 19:30 Gym closes at 6pm Sunday (20th

  • Thame 10K 2014

    If your looking to do the Thame 10K follow the link below, If your looking for training advice do not hesitate to call or pop in. 01844 261754 Click Here

  • Zumba at Racquets

    We have had to cancel the Zumba class at Racquets on Friday evenings because not enough of you wanted it. So, we are wondering if the lack of people for it was because you don’t want Zumba at Racquets or if we simply chose a bad day of the week and time. If you have

  • Nutrition In 100 Words

    Eat lean meat, fish, plenty of veg predominantly greens, some nuts & seeds, a little fruit, few starchy carbohydrates, no sugar or processed foods. Eat enough to train effectively without promoting fat. Consume a minimum of 2ltrs of water a day, more if you exercise. Stick to the fringe aisles at the supermarket, use the

  • My Crossfit Weekend by Martin King

    On Saturday morning I drove up to what can but be described as an old warehouse, with one difference – a big, rather flashy sign that read Crossfit. I was early so spent some time looking through my revision notes waiting, anticipating what was to come. A few months before, I was in the gym

  • A World Class Camp

    Racquets squash camps produce world class players PHOTO : The kids enjoying the February half term squash camp   Racquets Fitness Centre, a club in the centre of Thame, has had its most successful camp since the recession with over 20 attendees! A great indicator for Squash that the sport is very much alive and