  • October 2014 Racketball doubles tournament results

    Racketball Doubles tournament results Last Friday evening our local players competed in a Racketball doubles tournament at Racquets.  Over a steak and a drink they then put the world to rights and enjoyed a very competitive but sociable evening. WINNERS : Dennis Gascoigne and Dennis Brett : WELL DONE ! RUNNER UP : Leigh Bloomfield

  • Racquets kids achieve England squash national rankings

    The latest England Squash Junior national rankings show that we have more children in the rankings than ever before. Ollie Coulcher-Porter now has a national ranking in the Boys Under 11 of 99.  That means that Ollie is the 99th best Under 11 Boy in the country.  That’s pretty impressive. Nick Harbour has a national

  • South African Knights squash tour vs Racquets 19th December 2014

    The South African Knights squash tour 2014 hits Thame on Friday 19th December 2014. Come down to Racquets to watch some top squash – the budding professional university students from South African will play the top players of Racquets Fitness Centre. Make an evening of it – Bring Your Own steak and let us cook

  • Junior One-day squash tournament 13th December 2014

    Another Junior One-day squash tournament will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre on 13th December 2014. The tournament will be graded so that you only play others of your standard.  There will be prizes in all grades. We will start the tournament at 10am – so that all the juniors who come to junior Saturday

  • Start your Xmas shopping in Thame Town on 6th December 2014

    Thame4Business, part of 21st Century Thame, have organised for there to be great activities and entertainment in Thame Town Centre on 6th December 2014. Part of a government initiative to try to encourage the public to use small businesses for your Xmas presents 6th December 2014 is Small Business Saturday. Racquets Fitness Centre is taking

  • Local schools represented at Racquets October Kids Half Term Squash Camp

    It was great to see so many children attending the squash camp during the October half term squash camp at Racquets. There was a 25% increase in the numbers from previous camps and a brilliant competitive spirit from the kids. The children come from many different schools around the area including Barley Hill Primary School,

  • November Racketball Doubles Tournament and Steak and Football night

    Friday 14th November 2014 Tournament 6pm – 8pm Food served 9pm Its back for all players and standards. Sign up and we’ll pair you up into equal standards! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tournament entry + Bring your own steak + A drink of your choice Gold card £10, White card £15, Non-member £20 or Tournament entry + 8oz

  • Farmer’s boy Nick wins Racquets Junior One-Day Tournament

    Nick Baker, from a local farming family, won the Racquets Junior One-Day Squash Tournament which took place on Saturday 18th October. 20 kids, who have been playing for different lengths of time – ranging from only a month to a few years – turned out for the tournament to raise their competitive edge so that

  • Racquets juniors and staff support Rotary Swimathon 2014

    Racquets junior squash players Georgia Hedges and Zoe Martin-Downhill joined the staff and management in a team in the Rotary Swimathon 2014.  The event took place on 12th October 2014 a the Thame Leisure Centre. The team also included Kat Silcox, Ray Silcox, Simon Martin and Sue Martin-Downhill. The target number of lengths this year

  • Racquets shows strongly at Oxfordshire Junior Closed Champs

    Nick Harbour and Ben Hedger show how Racquets Junior squash programmes are producing strength in depth. On 27/28th September 2014 the Oxfordshire Junior Closed Championships took place at Abingdon Squash Club. Nick won the Under 15s tournament and Ben won the Under 17s. Both players are now very strong players, both play for the adult