
    Please can we ask everyone that is streaming and participating in our live stream classes not to join in part way through for your own safety. If you join us late the video will still be there straight afterwards to watch from the beginning. Thank you 🙂

  • Donation to help our self employed staff

    Thanks for watching our live streams and videos. We feel great helping the community keep fit and healthy. If you are a member still supporting the club we hope you’re managing to join in with as many as possible. If you’re not a member please would you consider donating something towards our brilliant staff.  Some

  • Racquets update 22nd March 2020

    Wild Lemongrass is open only for delivery now. No takeaway. We deliver quite far as we have plenty of delivery drivers. We offer 20% discount for Racquets members, NHS workers and Key workers. And free delivery for NHS workers. For more details of where we deliver to and delivery charges. To confirm : the gym,


    Join Racquets tomorrow morning for our FREE live stream classes. Don’t forget to say “hi” if your joining us on our live feed ?7.00 – 7.30 RAGE with Jack9.30 – 10.00 HIIT with Claire10.00 – 11.00 BODY DESIGN with Clairehttps://www.facebook.com/Racquetscentre/

  • Saturday 21st March news

    It is with heavy hearts that we have to respect the Government’s directive of closing gyms and social gatherings due to the possibility of the spread of Coronavirus. Racquets Fitness Centre continues to host a Chinese & Asian Cuisine Takeaway and Delivery service and we are able to supply for takeaway and delivery soft drinks,

  • Live Yoga Class

    Racquets next live stream class is at 10am tomorrow morning so please join our instructor Philly in her LIVE FREE yoga class here at Racquets! Join us on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Racquetscentre/ under Videos 

  • Circuits Live Streaming TODAY

    Our next live stream class is Circuits with Claire today at 10am – 11pm, hope to see you all online ?

  • Isolation workouts

  • March wellbeing newsletter and our commitment to our members health

    Coronavirus We would like to let you know that Racquets Fitness Centre and all classes are currently operating as normal and have so far had ZERO suspected cases of Coronavirus in our club. We are monitoring the situation all the time and keeping up to date with Government advice. We would appreciate it if all

  • Teenage girls Free squash coaching

    6 coaching sessions free Our evening group coaching sessions on Tuesdays at 6.40pm are perfect for teenage girls to come along and try out squash. We are offering 6 tries at squash with coaching free of charge to all teenage girls. We’d love to show you how much fun and what great exercise squash can