  • Racquets May graded squash tournament and County Closed 2017

    Alex Glover takes first place in new players grade while the professionals battle it out in the top grade

    Alex Glover E grade County Closed May 2017-web

    Racquets Fitness Centre was honoured to be asked to relaunch and host the Oxfordshire squash graded and County Championships last weekend 20th May 2017 which allows players of all standards to compete from E grade of 8-11 year olds up to budding professional players in the A grade.

    The E grade was won by super keen Racquets academy player Alex Glover and very well done to runner up Artie Shrimpton.  Zac Young was highly competitive and notable for his improvement over the past month or so.

    In the A grade which doubles as the Oxfordshire County Championship we had a packed balcony enjoying a great final between Joe Brooke of Abingdon pipping our Racquets club professional and assistant coach Ben Hedger of Chinnor in the final.

    Simon Martin, manager and coach at Racquets Fitness Centre, said ‘the young lads showed what a great spectacle squash is to watch now-a-days with 30 to 40 shot rallies of twisting, turning and fast exchanges. Great final !’.

    Joe, who is 21 and currently ranked 375 in the UK, showed his usual talent of precision racket control, and this overcame young Ben’s athleticism.  Ben is currently ranked 26 in the UK in the under 19s.

    The ladies tournament was of a very high standard.  Racquets head coach Sue Martin-Downhill taking second place to Julie Peachey, the chairperson of Oxfordshire Squash and Racketball Association (OSRA) and the current top Oxfordshire lady.

    All results can be obtained from the website www.sportyhq.com.

    Finalists and others County Closed May 2017-web Thanks to Julie Peachey and David Quinn from OSRA who helped restart this championships up.

    Prizes were provided by England squash and OSRA and the tournament was sponsored by  Racquets Fitness Centre.

    In the lower grades we had players come from as far afield as Shropshire as these grades were opened up to players outside the county.