Racquets business squash league results 2015
Over the last few months we have been running a business squash league.
Lucy Electric from Thame, captained by Rick Moore, were triumphant in the Racquets business league finals that took place last Wednesday 10th October.
It was great to see both old, new and regular players joining in and competing in friendly but competitive matches.
Lucy Electric finished 1st with Angus Fire/Kidde Uk runners up. The team was :
- Rick Moore
- Gary Woolcock
- Linda Wastie
- Josh Mellor
- Mark Perkins
- Mark Richards
Thanks to all the captains Rick Moore (Lucy Electric), Malcolm Burr (Kidde UK), Kevin Schleising (BT) and Rachel Duffy (McCormicks) and thanks for all the players for joining in.
Thanks also to Will John for organising the whole event.
We hope to run another early next year. If you can get a team of 3 together from your business then please do speak to Simon or Sue so that we can let you know when the next league starts.
Racquets still has sponsorship from Meritus hotels of £5000 prize fund for a national corporate tournament and we have 10 companies signed up but we need 16 to go ahead. Email us for more information if interested.