Racquets Under 11 boys shine for Oxfordshire
Luke Hayes, Oliver Coulcher-Porter and Emily Coulcher-Porter, all from Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame, represented Oxfordshire as the no 1 and 2s for the Under 11 inter-county South East region tournament on Sunday 10th April. The tournament was held at The Winchester Club in Hampshire.
Luke shocked and impressed his opponents with his hard-hitting and ferocious shots. His playing impressed the Oxfordshire team so much that he has been asked to represent Oxfordshire next week with Oliver and Emily in the inter-county National Tournament in Birmingham.
Luke has been playing squash for less than a year.
Oliver won his matches with ease displaying his awe-inspiring skills. He lost only to the older GB no 3 who had a hard task to beat him.
His sister, Emily as the second youngest player in the tournament and as Oxfordshire girls no1, was unfazed facing opponents much bigger than her.
The boys team brought home a bronze medal behind only particularly strong Bucks A and B teams and the girls team brought home the silver for Oxfordshire.
Well done to all who played in the teams.
If your child is still looking for that sport that suits them please bring them down to Racquets to try out squash. It’s a great strategic game played at different speeds dependent on ability and Racquets has sessions throughout the week to choose from.