March wellbeing newsletter and our commitment to our members health
We would like to let you know that Racquets Fitness Centre and all classes are currently operating as normal and have so far had ZERO suspected cases of Coronavirus in our club.
We are monitoring the situation all the time and keeping up to date with Government advice.
We would appreciate it if all members and guests could avoid attending the club if you feel unwell
We are having constant internal discussions considering what options we have for providing health and fitness for our members and their guests throughout this Coronavirus situation.
Currently our classes have no more than 30 people in them so currently we do not see a need to reduce them – we will let you know if this changes.
We do already have options if you would prefer to exercise in smaller groups or outside.
1. Our class sizes vary considerably please ask reception which might be smaller
2. Spin classes are limited to 13
3. Lunchtime classes are currently very small – spin, spin and kettlebells, lunchers that lift
4. Any classes on the squash courts are limited by the size of the room e.g boxercise, squash lessons etc
We may consider limiting class sizes and putting on more classes to accommodate if necessary.
We would like to remind you that we have a grit yard – an outdoor area for gym workouts.
Squash courts can be booked for indoor exercise, whether that be for squash, racketball, table tennis or any other type of fitness workout.
Also, if the need arises we will offer classes outdoors e.g. bootcamps, runs or walks etc – we will update you on what we will be arranging as advice changes.
Even more cleaning
Like you, the staff at Racquets are highly aware of the need to keep a high level of cleanliness to protect us all from the current outbreak and we have put in place additional deep cleaning for mats and machines that are used by multiple people throughout the day.
We have a good supply of hand sanitizer and as always we would ask you to clean down machines after you’ve used them using the spray bottles with green liquid.
We continue to encourage everyone to bring their own water bottles to save the planet as well as to avoid sharing cups more than necessary.
New equipment
We are continuing to invest in our gyms and we have 2 new spin bikes arriving in the next week.

We are looking into offering a new Mindfulness course. We would love you to tell us if you’ll be interested and when might suit ? 9.05am Tuesday mornings, Fridays 2pm or another time ? Let us know by emailing
We have plenty of squash to offer everyone of all ages. Check out our website for Free Teen Girls squash coaching, Junior squash camps and tournaments, new squash doubles club night to practice for Good Friday Doubles and a graded squash tournament for all standards.
We are moving the racketball group coaching session from 1pm on Wednesdays to 5pm on Wednesdays.
All gym memberships include a session with a gym instructor every 4 – 6 weeks. Have you had yours recently ? It’s a great opportunity to increase your knowledge and give yourself a wider variety of exercises and a wider variety of weight and rep combinations to ensure your workouts remain different and interesting.
Hopefully you’ll have seen the new Thursday morning Pilates class, Wednesday after school junior strength & conditioning class and the new varieties of spin classes on Tuesday lunchtimes and Sunday mornings.
In our bar we now have a large Gin selection along with a lovely variety of garnishes. We always have a cask ale and a selection of wines and spirits.