International tournament racquetball Madeira 2020
Favorites in the final
The first day of competition of the I international of tournament of Madeira confirmed the favoritism of the most big names present in the region, with André Lima, first series head of the main table, and Simon Martin English player with best resume among all athletes present, Overcoming all opponents by the maximum margin (2-0). The Final, scheduled for Sunday at 10 pm, promises great show.
No room for doubt. This is the certainty that it is for those who have been able to attend the meetings disputed either by André Lima or by The advantage shown by both against all opponents was clear, quite evident in the fact that neither of them gave away any set in the three disputed rounds and guaranteed both the presence in the grand final scheduled for Sunday at 10 pm.
In The Semifinals André Lima faced madeiran Ricardo Sardine and despite the good replica of the player of ad galomar, the number one of the national ranking ended up winning 2-0 (11-6, 11-6).
In the second half of the day Simon Martin showed why he had already been UK National Champion twice and against Manuel Da Costa, he also a reference of racquetball and national squash, delighted the public with great plays and incredible blows . The 2-0 partial (11-5, 11-5) highlights the superior quality of the English player and also shows the high quality of Manuel Da Costa.
For tomorrow the grand final is scheduled and the finals of plate a and plate b.
Written by A.D.Galomar
@ Galo Active Health Club