Ellis invited to compete in Arnold Class Bodybuilding championship
We are pleased to be able to announce that one of our personal trainers, Ellis Quarterman, has recently been invited to compete in the Arnold Classic UK bodybuilding finals being held Saturday October 2nd 2021 at the NEC in Birmingham.
Being placed 2nd at Ellis’ previous competition only 2 weeks ago was enough to be invited to participate this coming weekend.
With over 600 athletes competing, 60,000 attendees and big names like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone in attendance, it will truly be a special event!
Ellis nearly turned down the opportunity but with the help of a crowdfunding campaign his friends, family and colleagues chipped in to ensure that he has this amazing opportunity to show the world the results of his dedication to the sport of bodybuilding.
At Racquets we are so proud of Ellis’ achievements. Leaving Lord Williams’s school in Thame and joining Racquets Fitness Centre as an apprentice Ellis has become a well reknowned Personal Trainer and nutritionist helping others on their own bodybuilding journeys.
Good luck for Saturday and we hope you get to shake the hand of some of the celebrities.