  • August Bank Holiday 2014 Gym Membership Offer

  • Summer squash & the academy

    Hi Squash players, coaches & enthusiasts, Do you want to seriously improve your squash over the summer holidays or know someone that does? We are writing to let you know & to ask u to help spread the word amongst your friends about the development of squash at the club we have been working hard

  • Older wiser fitter the Increase of the senior gym bunny

    In 2012 we started a new class called The Silver Servers (Racketball for the over 50’s) It attracted new players and a handful of ex racket players from tennis, squash, table tennis & badminton Our senior players would meet every Tuesday morning around 10:00am, socialise, play some racketball and generally have a good time interacting

  • My 10 Peaks Challenge

    On Friday, June 27, four Royal Marines and I drove to the lakes to compete in The 10 Peaks Challenge. The Challenge consisted of 10 peaks, 73km and 5600m of ascent – all within 24 hours. Due to traffic we arrived there at 1am Saturday morning; not ideal considering we were starting the event at

  • Junior Squash Tournament : Friday 11th (after school) and Saturday 12th July

    Following our successful open Graded Squash Tournaments we are running a junior only tournament. It will take place after school on 11th July and 12th July in the afternoon. All standards will be welcome to join in. There is a prize fund – so there will be prizes in the different grades / standards. Entry

  • Many learning squash all in one day

    Yesterday I personally coached 38 people. 24 Year 5 kids from Barley Hill – all were successfully hitting the ball and almost all were managing to serve.  I hope they enjoyed their PE lesson. 7 kids ranging in age from 10 to 15 – Monday after school coaching session – usually with Roger.  All listened

  • A successful Thame Carnival 2014

    This year’s carnival had a sporty theme and the people of Thame really came out to celebrate. The sun was shining and the Pimms flowed. From our plot we could see the centre area and those taking part. The Zumba flash mob organised by Sandra Brookes was great and the cricket group had people looking

  • An experience for a squash junior at Racquets

    At the weekend I went to a squash tournament at Racquets, I really enjoy tournaments at Racquets because I really enjoy squash and it gives me the chance to play competitively. I also had the privilege of playing the British number one squash player! I really enjoyed the experience of playing Alison Waters. Although I was

  • Results from Racquets June Open Graded Squash and Racketball tournament

    Last weekend Racquets opened it’s doors to players from all over the country for it’s June Open Graded Squash and Racketball tournament. An Open tournament is one where players from any club and any county can come and compete. A Graded tournament is one where players of any standard and age can compete and they

  • Win for Emma Morgan in first match of the Graded Tournament this weekend

    The first match of the Racquets Open June Graded Squash / Racketball tournament took place at 1pm today. It was a very close fought match between Emma Morgan and Jane Coulcher where Emma won 3/2. The difference could have been the new grips on Emma’s racket ! The game was played in great spirit and