  • Squash improvers classes at Racquets over Easter holidays

    There will be no Squash Improvers classes next week – 28th or 30th March. If you wish to come to Improvers on Monday 4th or 6th April please pre-book a few days before as we will arrange for a coach to be there only if there are bookings – and we can let you know

  • Oliver and Emily lead the Oxfordshire charge – March 2016

    Oliver and Emily Coulcher-Porter, aged 10 and 8, are representing Oxfordshire in Regional and UK U11 inter-county tournaments as Number 1 boy and girl next month. They started their squash careers at Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame under the watchful eye of coach Sue Martin-Downhill. Still loyal to their club they have gained further skills

  • March 2016 Junior One Day Singles Squash Tournament

    Another Junior One-day squash tournament will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre on Saturday 26th March 2016. Starting at 10am and finishing around 1pm. The tournament is open to all standards. Prices are £5.00 for Junior Gold members, £7.50 for Junior Silver members and £10.oo for non members. Entry is first come first served, open to players

  • Funeral for Richard Graham Martin

    It is with great sadness that we have to report that Richard Graham Martin of Racquets Fitness Centre, Thame, passed away peacefully last weekend, Saturday, February 27 2016. His wife and two sons were at his bedside. The funeral will take place at The Church of St Mary, Thame on Thursday 10th March.  The service

  • Dedication and research pays off for James Portsmouth in Racquets Jan 2016 One-Day squash tournament

    Racquets held its January One-Day Junior squash tournament last Saturday 30th January.  A smaller entry than previous tournaments but by no means less competitive.  James Portsmouth showed that applying yourself to one sport for just a year can produce great results. We had new young players come from Henley and Abingdon as well as home

  • Latest newsletter from England Squash

    England Squash is the National Governing Body for squash (and racketball) in England.  We have seen an increase in squash players over the course of the last year.  Let’s keep working towards improving on that success. Read the latest newsletter from England Squash.  Click here.

  • New Ashtanga Yoga teacher : Rebecca Hunter

    Racquets would like to welcome Rebecca Hunter who will be teaching the yoga classes here at Racquets for the next month. Rebecca qualified as a teacher of yoga at Kranti Yoga School in Goa, India in 2015, achieving a 200 hour teacher training qualification in Ashtanga Yoga. This qualification is recognised worldwide and meets the

  • Half Term Squash Camp 2016

    16th, 17th and18th of February 2016 10am to 3pm Will, Roger and our team of coaches will be giving you coaching on your technique, instruction on game play and fitness training. We welcome beginners and experienced players aged 8 and above. Kids age 11 and above will spend time in the gym too. Prices: Gold:

  • January 2016 Junior One Day Singles Squash Tournament

    Another Junior One-day squash tournament will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre on Saturday 30th January 2016.  (Sorry moved this from 16th !) The tournament is open to all standards, and prices include chips and cheese for lunch.  Kids can arrive at either 11am or 12pm depending on which is most convenient, and the tournament will last until 4pm. Please

  • DropiT21 : What is it all about

    SO WHAT DO WE DO IN 21 DAYS?Eat REAL foodsLearn how to lose FAT and keep it offFocus on measurementsEducate yourself so to understand how foods you eat affect your mind and bodyShort effective exercise sessions (via youtube) and Racquets can help you with theseEasy to follow and sustainable weight loss WHAT WE DON’T DO:Weigh foodCount