  • July 2016 Junior One Day Graded Squash Tournament

    Another Junior One-day squash tournament will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre on 16th July 2016. The tournament will be graded so that you only playothers of your standard. There will be prizes in allgrades. Please enter on the sheet on the junior noticeboard oremail info@racquets-fitness-centre.com. Entry Fee (includes chips with cheese) :£6.00 Junior Gold

  • Rainbows enjoy squash lesson at Racquets

    Thame Rainbows groups enjoyed an hour of ball and racket skills with the squash coaches at Racquets Fitness Centre in May 2016.  Rainbows is a great group for young girls as they give them the opportunity to try out an enormous amount of different activities – whether craft, sport, outdoor activities or community activity. 35

  • Eight limbs of Yoga workshop this Saturday 21st May 2016

    There are just a few places left on the Eight Limbs of Yoga workshop this Saturday 21st May at Racquets Fitness Centre, Thame. 11.30am to 2.30pm Price just £25 We will explore the eight limbs of yoga understanding each limb philosophically and being able to practically incorporate them into our daily lives. Yama, Niyama, Asana,

  • Oxfordshire Junior squash newsletter May 2016

    Here is the newsletter for May 2016 – please follow the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bygjq1rWDai4WG5DTFktWDBvQWs You’ll see how some of our Under 11, Under 17 and Under 19 players are faring in the National rankings and local tournaments. More information about junior county training dates can be found at : http://www.oxfordshire-squash.com/menus/main.asp?PN=Juniors

  • Southern Area Intercounty placing for Under 11s

    Fourth place out of the South of England for our Under 11s Our three Under 11 county squash players from Racquets Fitness Centre competed last weekend in the Southern Inter-county Under 11 tournaments.  This was a tournament between the top 6 counties in the Southern Area of the UK. The team comprised Alex Smith,  Oliver

  • May Bank Holiday 2016 opening hours

    On Monday May Bank holiday 2nd May 2016 Racquets will be open for Gym and Squash/ Racketball from 10am – 2pm. There will be no creche or classes. Normal opening times Saturday and Sunday and back to normal on Tuesday 3rd May.  For standard opening times please refer to our website at http://racquets2019.users60.interdns.co.uk/club-opening-hours/.

  • Oxfordshire Junior squash newsletter April 2016

    Here is the newsletter for April 2016 – please follow the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bygjq1rWDai4WG5DTFktWDBvQWs You’ll see how some of our Under 11, Under 17 and Under 19 players are faring in the National rankings and local tournaments. More information about junior county training dates can be found at : http://www.oxfordshire-squash.com/menus/main.asp?PN=Juniors

  • May 2016 Junior One Day Singles Squash Tournament

    CANCELLED !!!!!!   Another Junior One-day squash tournament will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre on Saturday 14th May 2016. Starting at 11am and finishing around 2pm. The tournament is open to all standards. Prices are £6.00 for Junior Gold members, £8.00 for Junior Silver members and £11.oo for non members. Includes chips with cheese for

  • Juniors boost Racquets mens team to gain promotion

    The Mens’ 1st squash team at Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame, boosted with young players from our junior squash programme, was undefeated in the second half of the Oxfordshire Winter league gaining promotion in a huge win over RAF.    The 5-0 win on Tuesday 12th April meant promotion to Oxfordshire mens division 1.  All the

  • Racquets Under 11 boys shine for Oxfordshire

    Luke Hayes, Oliver Coulcher-Porter and Emily Coulcher-Porter, all from Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame, represented Oxfordshire as the no 1 and 2s for the Under 11 inter-county South East region tournament on Sunday 10th April.  The tournament was held at The Winchester Club in Hampshire. Luke shocked and impressed his opponents with his hard-hitting and