  • I Am Team GB at Racquets 27th August 2016

    We are pleased to be supporting Team GB. Come visit the club on 27th August. Brought to you by The National Lottery and ITV, supported by the British Olympic Association and Join In, I Am Team GB will be the nation’s biggest ever sports day. On 27th August Racquets is pleased to welcome home our Team

  • Oliver ranks Under 11 top 10 in England

    Oliver Coulcher-Porter’s recent wins in the tournaments around the South of England have allowed him to achieve one of his short term goals. In the England Squash Rankings out today he is now number 8 in the UK Under 11 boys. What a fantastic achievement. Oliver, who plays and trains at Racquets Fitness Centre in

  • 2016 Summer titles for Oliver and Emily

    Who thought that squash is a winter game ?  Throughout the school holidays there have already been 3 junior tournaments : Mote Kent Open, Winchester Open and the Abingdon Open.  And that doesn’t even include the local Racquets Open Junior One-Day tournament recently won by Ollie Dudley-Heidkamp. Oliver Coulcher-Porter and sister Emily, aged 10 and

  • An Afternoon of Health and Wellness

    PRESENTS:AN AFTERNOON OF HEALTH & WELLNESS Saturday 17th September1.00 – 5.00pmat Racquets Fitness Centre, Cattle Market, Thame, OX9 3TH Entrance = £5.00 in advance / £6 on the door (Tickets can be purchased in advance from Racquets Reception or Sandra Brooks) Ticket Prices includes: Goodie Bag One FREE raffle ticket Tea / Coffee Entrance to

  • Racquets Open Graded Squash Tournament and Oxfordshire Open Championships

    Racquets is holding one of it’s Graded Squash Tournaments and it will be the Oxfordshire Open squash Championships too. 2nd – 4th September 2016. Entries are now closed.  Please email info@racquets-fitness-centre.com if you would like to be a reserve and we will try to fit you in. If you are looking for your times please

  • Ollie finally takes a junior one-day squash title

    Ollie Dudley-Heidkamp, a Year 10 Lord Williams’s School student, finally showed his class by winning all his matches at the Racquets Junior One-Day Squash Tournament which took place on Saturday 16th July at Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame.  Ollie was in a group of 7 teenagers in the top grade ranging in age from 10

  • Racquets win Thames Valley Racketball League 2016

    The Mens racketball team from Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame travelled to Aylesbury Squash and Tennis Club last weekend to play in the finals of the Thames Valley Racketball League.   After the singles it was 2-2 in the match with good singles wins from team massage therapist and racketball player Mark Webster and brilliant

  • Simon is National Racketball Over 45s Champion 2016

    Racquets Fitness Centre players Tom White, Oz Mustafa and Simon Martin all competed in the National Racketball Championships 2016 at Edgbaston Priory in Birmingham last weekend.  Attracting over 200 players from all over the country and Channel Islands the tournament was played at the recently 15 million pound refurbished squash and tennis centre.  Tom, with

  • Teen spin : Bring a friend and get your spin free

    We recently launched a new Teen Spin and HiiT class on Wednesdays at 3.30pm at Racquets. Thank you to those who came to try it out- we hope you really enjoyed it. We actually ran two spins – one at 3.30pm and one at 4pm as there were more than 10 of you.   We

  • Teens Spin + HiiT Class – Wednesdays 3.30pm

    Teen’s Spin & HIIT Class – Starts This Wednesday! We are starting a 30 minute Teen’s Spin & HIIT class.   Every Wednesday at 3:30pm starting the 13th July. The class will involve an Instructor taking our teenagers through a Spinning routine with various bodyweight exercises thrown in to build some foundation strength and conditioning.