  • Ladies : download our free guide to get fit, lose weight and gain strength

    Get Fit, Lose weight & Gain Strength… Download Our Free Guide Get the Effective truth about Women Working Out… Obtain our FREE report to gain the maximum out of your training!  

  • Easter weekend club opening times

    We are open limited hours over Easter weekend.  Please check the hours Friday to Monday at http://racquets2019.users60.interdns.co.uk/club-opening-hours/. Have a great break!

  • National Junior Squash Tournament hosted by Racquets

    Racquets juniors show top form and extreme potential in National England Sanctioned event held at Racquets Fitness Centre. On the weekend of the 18/19th March, Racquets Fitness Centre was proud to host a Bronze England Sanctioned squash tournament, which attracted top juniors from all over UK to participate and compete in. The ability of juniors

  • Oxfordshire County Closed and Graded Squash Tournament 2017 – May 20th/21st

    All abilities and ages welcome. Players from outside the County are welcome in the B to E grades Mens A Ladies A Mixed B Mixed C Mixed D Mixed E Entry fee £20   : includes 2 matches guaranteed, Saturday buffet lunch, T shirts and prizesClosing date for entries Monday May 15th.No entries accepted without payment.

  • Out of nowhere a champion

    Every 4 to 6 weeks Racquets Fitness Centre runs a one-day Junior Squash Tournament.  New and experienced junior players from the club are encouraged to enter.  We see great changes in the juniors from one tournament to the next. Cameron Law was one such example.  Cameron played in his first one-day tournament in January of

  • Ladies enjoy marathon afternoon of squash

    Squash is a great game for ladies.  For mums they just need someone to look after the kids ! On Sunday 12th March 2017 Racquets held a Ladies Squash Festival.  An opportunity for ladies of all ages to come down to the club, try out the game and socialise with other ladies who have already

  • Testimonial from Denise Caley

    Denise Caley recently joined Racquets Fitness Centre having decided it was time to make that change in lifestyle and get fit.   Half hour HiiT and other classes were forming part of her new fitness regime.  A gym programme was designed by one of our gym instructors and Denise was happy. Then one day last

  • Vacancy : Squash coach

    Racquets Fitness Centre is looking for another squash coach. We are one of the top squash clubs in the country.    Recently we held the top spot in the England Squash #SquashGirlsCan Squash101 Campaign boasting the most development sessions and new ladies playing in the country. We offer a daily squash academy for children from

  • Reception/bar staff required

    Racquets Fitness Centre is growing ! We are looking for weekend and evening staff to join our team as soon as possible. Racquets is a busy Fitness Centre offering gym, squash, racketball, table tennis, sunbeds, social, functions, creche, personal training, coaching, tournaments, competitions. It is a great place to work with a fantastic atmosphere. We

  • Playing squash gives ladies longer lives

    This statement hit the headlines a few weeks ago where studies showed that participation in racquet sports increases the partipants lifespan.  Further statements have been made that while not arguing against this statement all forms of activity and sports will help increase people’s lifespans. What makes squash particularly useful in this area is because it