  • Half-term Drop-in Squash Session

    Every weekday Age 7 to 16 No previous experience needed Learn squash, train, play Don’t forget Saturday mornings still run as normal Junior gold £2.50 Junior silver £4.00 Non-member £5.00 February 12 to February 16, 2018 For more information, please call 01844 261754  

  • Racquets players all over the County squash news

    The juniors from Racquets Fitness Centre have been really doing us proud over the past few months in the county squads and the tournaments around the South of England.  You can read all about the exploits of Ollie Cartwright, Alex Glover, Noah James, Artie Shrimpton and Allegra Michopolou in the Oxfordshire Junior E-newsletter.  Click here

  • Christmas Squash Tournament at Racquets a Great Success

    Racquets Fitness Centre hosted their annual Christmas Graded Squash Tournament on Saturday 16th December, seeing 37 squash players of all ages and standards competing across 4 categories. The initial matches in the morning saw some very close contended games, which was a snippet of what was to come throughout the day. Well over 50 matches

  • Quiz night success December 2017

    Well done to the winning team at the Racquets Xmas Quiz Night on Friday 8th December 2017 pictured below. Thanks to Mike and Anne for a interesting spicy quiz. Thanks all for supporting, we raised over £200 for Cancer Research UK. Don’t forget to have a go on the hamper Xmas prize draw, also in

  • Ollie’s commitment reaps rewards

    Ollie Cartwright’s commitment to encouraging others to play squash at Racquets Fitness Centre gets him shortlisted for Young Volunteer of the Year 2017 in the Oxfordshire Sports Awards. The average life of a 13-year-old will generally involve keeping up with mounds of homework, trying out every new after school club going and spending time on

  • Snowy conditions 10th Dec : club closing at 1pm

    We have been open as usual this morning but as very few members braved the snow so far we are closing at 1pm.  So no squash club night later.  

  • Victory for Racquets coaches at Nottingham Racketball tournament

    Well done to Chloe Marshall – winner of the Ladies Open Nottingham Racketball Tournament 2017 and to Simon Martin – winner of the Mens O45s.

  • Gemma’s story can inspire us all

    RACE FOR LIFE COMPLETED AFTER LOSING 7 STONE – WELL DONE GEMMA Gemma accepts that she was always the bigger one from a very young age.  A love of food and an aversion to exercise committed Gemma to a vicious cycle that ensured that by the time she was at University she was 21 stone.

  • Barley Hill Tournament

    Each term pupils from Barley Hill get the opportunity to learn how to play squash at Racquets Fitness Centre, and on Tuesday 7th November they got the chance to compete in their first tournament. A group of 12 year 5/6 pupils competed in a round-robin competition, putting their newly gained squash skills to the test.

  • Oxfordshire Junior Squash Newsletter November 2017

    If you would like to keep up with the Oxfordshire County Junior Squash scene – here is the latest November 2017 newsletter. Racquets juniors mentioned in this one : Ollie Cartwright (Under 15), Luke Hayes (Under 13), Alex Glover (Under 11), Artie Shrimpton (Under 11), Nick Harbour (Under 19). Thanks to Dale and Sue Tranter