  • Adult Squash Camp – May 2018

    Date : May 19th 2018 Time : 12noon to 3.30pm   Perfect for E and D grade squash players   Racquets members : £20 Non-members £25 Discount £2.50 each for couples or siblings.   A chance to up your game by a level.  Improve your technique and fitness.  Learn how placement of the ball is

  • Easter Squash Camp at Racquets

    Racquets Fitness Centre was as busy as ever over the Easter Holidays, particularly the squash courts which were being used by 18 Oxfordshire juniors who were taking part in a squash camp with Head County Coach Chloe Marshall. The theme of the camp was ‘taking the ball in short’, with focus on playing drop shots

  • Mini Easter Squash Tournament for C/D and E grades

    On Bank Holiday Monday we are running a mini Easter Squash Tournament for all our new players. There will be a D and an E Grade – and a C grade if you keen C graders want one ! You’ll learn how to mark/ referee a game, play only others of similar standard, it’ll be

  • LIFT OFF – Powerlifting Competition

    So you think you’re strong? Racquets are having an Open Powerlifting Competition in: Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.   The event is open for men and women, and you can choose which lifts you want to compete in, one, two or all three.   We will be splitting you up in to weight categories: U70kg,

  • Funeral of Alan Beveridge

    The funeral of Alan Beveridge will be held at 2pm on Friday 9th March at Oxford Crematorium. Fiona and Alex request that no black is worn. No flowers please, however donations to the British Heart Foundation would be very welcome. These can be given to the Funeral Director on the day or via the following

  • Exhibition Match March 2018

    Juniors inspired by playing squash with World Class players The ‘Beast from the East’ tried it’s best to disrupt our event, but it wasn’t enough to put the members of Racquets Fitness Centre off making their way down to their squash club to watch the world class squash exhibition match. On Friday 2nd March, two

  • Local player wins’ gold in Leicester Copper Squash Tournament

    10-year old Noah James started playing squash less than a year ago after being introduced to the sport through a school friend. He has been attending group academy training and 1:1 coaching sessions with Oxfordshire Head County Coach Marshall at Racquets Fitness Centre in Thame. Noah recently started training with the U11 Oxon county squad

  • Do you wonder whether your soap is bad for your skin ?

    We can test your soap’s PH balance for you.  This indicates whether your soap is stripping the goodness from your skin while it cleans. Bring your favourite soap down to one of our Wellness Evenings on either Wednesday 21st February or Monday 26th February and we will test it’s PH balance. The PH balance of

  • Sports TV available in Racquets bar

    Sports TV is back on in Racquets bar.  We’ve an upgraded Sports HD TV service.  Come down for a drink and social and watch #SportsTV in your local club #Thame.

  • Exhibition match and play the Pros

    Play a pro 4:30pm-6:30pm £1 per minute   Exhibition Match 7pm Followed be Q&A Tickets for exhibition VIP £30 – includes play a pro for 10mins, front row reserved viewing on balcony and name/company name on show on the day. General ticket : Adult £10 Juniors £5 (2nd row bench or bar viewing) All exhibition