  • Christmas junior squash camps

    Get your last minute Xmas shopping in before Xmas and a restful few days after – let you kids enjoy some exercise !

  • Lockdown Lunchtime Yoga – today 19th November 2020 12.30pm

    Our lovely Laura will be running a Lockdown Lunchtime Yoga half hour via the Racquets Classes Facebook Group today 12.30pm. This class will run today and next Thursday. If it’s popular it might become a regular on the timetable. Take a well earned break during your working from home and create some Zen in your

  • Healthy Hearts

    Calling all seniors! Healthy hearts is now on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11am. A light gentle exercise class, with a Tea/Coffee and a biscuit served afterwards. £5 per person. Call reception now on 01844 261754 to book on. With Claire on Mondays and Fridays and with Kat on Wednesdays.

  • Half term Junior squash camps – October 2020

    October 26th, 27th, 28th & 29th 10am – 4pm £20 per child for members £25 per child for non members. Pre booking via the website is essential as the numbers for each camp will be limited. According to the Government & England Squash advice all the appropriate guidelines will be followed to keep everyone safe

  • Why not try Squash?

    G.C.S.E or A level P.E students!   Need a sport for your qualification?   Why not try Squash?  It’s clean – no mud It’s indoors – exercise even if it’s raining It’s quick – in 40 minutes you’ll know you’ve worked out It’s great for the brain – learn something new everytime you play £20

  • Teen Girls Squash

    Squash is a great game for Teenage girls.  It’s clean – no mud It’s indoors – exercise even if it’s raining It’s quick – in 40 minutes you’ll know you’ve worked out It’s great for the brain – learn something new everytime you play We’re keen to get you going….. so we’re offering : 6

  • Online PT memberships

    Still uncomfortable working out in a gym ?  Don’t let your fitness fall by the wayside. Racquets Fitness Centre is offering Online Small Group PT memberships.  2 or 3 PT sessions a week – that’s 8 or 12 sessions a month – for one great reasonable monthly fee. Our ONLINE ONLY GROUP PT memberships also

  • Continuity coming out of Lockdown

    Throughout Lockdown Racquets has strived to help all our members and many of the general public to stay fit.  We’ve offered facebook live streaming of classes throughout, small group PT via Whatsapp for all members and we have opened our doors as soon as it has been safe to do so. For now we are

  • Current Racquets studio and spin classes

    Just to let everyone know – we are in discussions with all the class instructors to put together the new studio and spin timetable with classes open to 8 people in the studio – we’ll continue to live stream for the foreseeable too. Once we have finalised the timetable we will let the world know.

  • Bank Holiday Opening Times – Monday 31st August

    BANK HOLIDAY OPENING TIME UPDATE! This Monday 31st of August we have decided to extend our opening hours. We will be open 10am-2pm and again from 4pm-9pm.   To make a Gym or Squash booking, call us on 01844 261754