Rehab Resistance and Strength class followed by Kat’s clinic
Resistance is important as we get older to keep bones and muscles strong and to aid in helping prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.
Resistance is important as we get older to keep bones and muscles strong and to aid in helping prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.
??♀️Join our 6 Week Summer Fitness Challenge beginning on the 17th of July! It’s dedicated to helping you: ?Get Fit ??♀️ Stay Motivated ? Make Friends ? Have Fun! It’s a group challenge where you can earn points each week completing various workouts and challenges. The team with the highest points wins! You
To help you achieve your new 2023 resolutions Racquets has launched a new timetable with Grit Camp outdoor training sessions added throughout the week throughout every day. Come along a trial a session. Meet out brilliant trainers and meet our wonderful encouraging members. Ours is a club. A place for everyone to feel comfortable. A
If you’ve made it your new year’s resolution to get fitter or stronger and haven’t yet tried Spin & Squat, then you are missing out! Spin & Squat is a Spinning class with a twist. Split in to sections on the bike and sections on the floor space, performing squat based exercises with or without
We are pleased to be able to announce that one of our personal trainers, Ellis Quarterman, has recently been invited to compete in the Arnold Classic UK bodybuilding finals being held Saturday October 2nd 2021 at the NEC in Birmingham.
After age 40 muscles tend to lose their mass as part of aging. So a strong grip at an older age appears to be an indicator of longevity. In a 2015 study reported in The Lancet, researchers collected 142,000 grip strength measurements in 17 countries to test ongoing disease and discovered significant results. The study suggests that, for
I found it very interesting to read that a powerful grip has been seen to correlate to longevity of life. A study by the UK Biobank found ‘.. that lower grip strength was strongly associated with a wide range of adverse health outcomes. ‘ Basically, if your body is strong it is likely that your hand
Hello everyone, hope you are all keeping well? Here is Racquets new Live Streaming Timetable so you can keep track of what FREE classes we are able to offer at the moment via live stream. We will also be publishing daily on our facebook and twitter feed classes of the day. Stay safe!https://www.facebook.com/Racquetscentre/
Please can we ask everyone that is streaming and participating in our live stream classes not to join in part way through for your own safety. If you join us late the video will still be there straight afterwards to watch from the beginning. Thank you 🙂
Ages 11-14 Wednesdays 3:30-4pm Learn how to train your body for strength and functionality with Bodybuilding and Strength coach Ellis Quarterman Gold Members: £3 Silver Members: £4 Non-Members: £6 Please pre-book if possible.
Wild Lemongrass is open from 4.30pm (closed on Tuesdays) – please pre-order before 3pm.