  • Barley Hill Primary school after school squash course

    We would like to invite any Barley Hill primary school year 5 and year 6 children to learn squash.

    Following on from the squash sessions during class time with Roger Ridler we have a squash course starting on 29th January 2014 lasting 5 sessions.

    The course will take place at Racquets Fitness Centre, Thame.

    Dates for the course are 29th Jan, 5th Feb, 12th Feb, 26th Feb and 5th March.

    3.40pm to 4.40pm

    £25 for the whole course.

    During the course you will learn the basics of squash and bring you on to playing games.

    Book in by calling 01844 261754 or emailing info@racquets-fitness-centre.com.