Donation to help our self employed staff
Thanks for watching our live streams and videos. We feel great helping the community keep fit and healthy.
If you are a member still supporting the club we hope you’re managing to join in with as many as possible.
If you’re not a member please would you consider donating something towards our brilliant staff. Some of our class teachers are providing these fantastic live and pre-recorded videos but Racquets Fitness Centre is trying very hard to ensure that all our family of staff are looked after as all of their income includes some self employed income and most do not qualify for any self employed support from the Government.
This is a difficult time for all of us so we understand if you’re not able to so please do keep watching, keep fit and healthy.
To donate please pay into the Racquets bank account at 30-98-56 00382198 Westcol Ltd (we trade as Racquets Fitness Centre) and please put a reference of SE.
Alternatively you can use GoFundMe at
Thank you very much for joining our Racquets family.