  • Dropit21 : after the 3 week programme

    After completing the DropiT21 3 week programme of detoxing my body I had managed to lose 6lbs and really had noticed the ‘total inchloss’ of 6.5 inches.

    Purchasing size medium clothes for the first time in 30 years was a revelation.

    Sleeping was improved so tiredness in the day was no longer an issue.

    How has this changed my life ?

    I am no longer dependent on eating food a certain times of the day.

    Previously I had a boxed cereal in the mornings.  This ‘food’ would have a definitive length of time that the energy lasted.  So by 3 hours later I experienced a drop in sugar levels that caused me to crave my next meal.  If I left eating for an hour from that point I would experience stomach pains.

    Eating a heartier protein rich breakfast with plenty of vegetables and sometimes some starchy carbs would make me feel ‘filled up’.  Like having a tank of a car – fill it up with the right fuel and it goes smoothly until it needs filling up again.  Fill it with the wrong fuel and you are in serious trouble.

    Going without a meal in any day was a completely alien concept but I found that if I ‘filled up’ correctly then skipping a meal was not a problem and exercising having skipped a meal did not feel wrong in any way.

    I wrote this 1 week after the 3 week programme and now, 2 months later, I still agree.

    It is clear to see that there was fat stored around my midriff as the skin there is less conditioned.  It wasn’t conditioned before it was just ‘full’.  So what I am now working on is getting this area toned which I believe a few sets of crunches, plank and other core stability exercises will help with quite quickly.  It is likely that if I’d managed the 10 minute HiiT daily workouts suggested throughout the 21 day programme that I would not need to be following this up now !

    I have been testing whether I can introduce the odd cereal breakfast (as it’s in the cupboard to be used up).  But I feel a bit naughty when I do.  I definitely have to eat 3.5 hours later.  When I have omelette or even home made pancake I feel much better all day.  

    I’ve taken to making home-made pancakes for my youngest every morning as the only other breakfast she would eat was the sugariest muck and this has sorted out this problem.  Without doing the programme I did not feel lively enough to get up every morning and make the effort to ‘cook’ breakfast.

    Although I am no longer on a strict no carbs diet we tend to have sweet potato rather than our normal potato and prefer sweet potato chips when we do eat out.

    Currently my weight is at 10st and 2lbs which I think is just about right for me.