  • Local schools represented at Racquets October Kids Half Term Squash Camp

    Squash Camp October 2014 (web)

    It was great to see so many children attending the squash camp during the October half term squash camp at Racquets.

    There was a 25% increase in the numbers from previous camps and a brilliant competitive spirit from the kids.

    The children come from many different schools around the area including Barley Hill Primary School, John Hampden Primary School, Lord Williams’s Lower and Upper schools, Gateway school in Great Missenden, Aylesbury Grammar and Aylesbury High School, Dragon School in Oxford.

    Ages ranged from 8 to 15 and there were 3 children from the same family.

    Mayor of Thame, and school Governor at Barley Hill Primary School, Jeannette Matelot Green said “I am so pleased to see the Year 5 and 6 children from Barley Hill and John Hampden enjoying their free squash lessons during school PE lessons at Racquets.

    This such a good opportunity and Racquets are again showing their commitment to our community to both young and old –  I’m learning to play racketball with the Silver Servers ! I only wish I had had lessons when I was at primary school.’.

    Silver Servers is a session that takes place on Tuesday mornings where anyone over 50 can come along and join in to play racketball with other over 50 year olds – some of whom have played before and others who are new to the game.