  • An experience for a squash junior at Racquets

    At the weekend I went to a squash tournament at Racquets, I really enjoy tournaments at Racquets because I really enjoy squash and it gives me the chance to play competitively.

    I also had the privilege of playing the British number one squash player!

    I really enjoyed the experience of playing Alison Waters.

    Although I was totally thrashed!

    It was an awesome experience to be on court with the British number one, that’s not something you do every day!

    Alison herself was very friendly and kind she even offered me a second game.

    She adapted her game to suit each person she played creating balls that are challenging but achievable to hit but constantly returning the ball with ease!

    Even after playing many people she didn’t even look tired!

    By Matthew Harper, Barley Hill Primary School and Racquets Fitness Centre Junior member