  • Thame Primary Schools Squash Programme

    Roger Ridler and the kids in the Thame Schools Squash ProgrammeSince retiring in 2005 I have been organising a programme of Squash taster sessions for the 3 primary schools in Thame from Barley Hill, John Hampden & St Josephs. The schools visit Racquets Fitness Centre during school hours and over the years it has given more than 1500 students an opportunity to experience an alternative sport to the mainstream of football, rugby, tennis and cricket.

    The sessions give year 5 and 6 students an hour of 20 minutes squash basics, 20 minutes ball coordination and 20 minutes gym exercises over a period of four weeks for each class attending.

    This is a programme which is fully supported by the teachers and was instrumental in the club obtaining a grant from Oxfordshire Sports Partnership of £400 to purchase new junior equipment .

    Whilst I am a qualified coach I do this on a voluntary basis and Racquets Fitness Centre provide their facilities free of charge including their gym staff, in addition they generously award free yearly Junior Memberships to selected students.

    Roger Ridler